I love Buster Keaton a normal amount
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"Harold, I wish you'd keep your acting out of the icebox!"
This was actually pretty cute! I mean it's basically just Constance Cummings fucking with Major Doofus Harold for an hour and a half, so I'm kind of here for it.
Also, the bird budget for this movie must've been huge.
"Nah, you don't wanna be a cop... What DO ya wanna be?!"
Danny would rather be unemployed than be a cop. Truly a man ahead of his time.
So this is kind of all over the place plotwise and pretty forgettable, but Cagney and Olivia de Havilland are always cute. Bonus points for the fun mom who's really into boxing and even decks a guy or two towards the end!
can you believe this motherfucker just walked around being this attractive and the rest of the world just had to deal with it? ridiculous.
the fight at the end was surprisingly vicious too, which i wasn't really expecting.
wow Buster is just ready to take his clothes off at the drop of a hat huh