
Austin Patron

Favorite films

  • The Conversation
  • The French Connection
  • No Way Out
  • The Firm

Recent activity

  • Snake Eater III: His Law


  • Posed for Murder


  • Felony


  • Silent Scream


Recent reviews

  • Snake Eater III: His Law

    Snake Eater III: His Law


    And so my journey into the world of Lorenzo Lamas’ Snake Eater franchise comes to a satisfying, but not spectacular, conclusion. 

    This outing features our hero at his most altruistic, as he recruits a cowboy-hat-toting PI to assist him in bringing down an evil biker gang. 

    The director is lucky he was able to get one of these made, let alone three. I can’t exactly recommend these to anyone unless really bad action movies are your jam.

  • Posed for Murder

    Posed for Murder


    Barely a slasher, barely a movie actually. The music is surprisingly decent and the acting isn’t half bad. You could do worse for a bargain basement late 80s horror film, but you could also do a lot better.

    Also, this film is ostensibly a whodunit slasher, but only if you don’t read the LetterBoxd description that spoils the entire film. The app really needs to get better at cracking down on that. 

    80s Horror Ranked
    Slashers Ranked

Popular reviews

  • Camp Blood

    Camp Blood


    I would feel really bad for shitting all over this movie since it was clearly made with a lot of love.

    I commend what the filmmakers were able to achieve on such a low budget, and the film wears its influences on its sleeves. Highlights include the score and a few serviceable gore gags. The lowlights? Literally everything else.

    Slashers Ranked

  • Stage Fright

    Stage Fright


    There ain’t no way that homie with the giant owl mask could see a fucking thing. Say what you want about this serial killer, you gotta appreciate his commitment to the bit. Also, I wonder if David Robert Mitchell had this movie on his mind when making Under the Silver Lake.

    The kills in this are complete batshit, with both the gore and the absurdity turned up to 11. In my opinion, this is far and away Soavi’s best work. An Italian slasher classic and a must see.

    80s Horror Ranked
    Slashers Ranked
    Hidden Gems