The most consistent of that original run of MCU series. I quite like all the characters, it's fun.
Are the Tracksuit Mafia hiring?
Exactly my type of film wow. I wish this had been like 30 minutes longer. Excellent music, I like the Berlin setting for the backstory, the little cartoon visuals are really cute and I love the scene where Hedwig talks about the two halves, it's beautiful.
I definitely need to see that again.
Really gorgeous backdrops in the starting section, be it the pastel-like green fields or the neon-bathed road stops; as we see Travis recreate Nanpakal Nerathu Mayyakkam. I loved seeing the mystery about his disappearance unravel over the film as he reconnects with his son and his wife; the son parts were some of the warmest and most charming scenes I've seen in a while.
I'm currently seeing this as a man's wishes for…
Last film of Term 1!
Much funnier than I thought it'd be, though I suppose I shouldn't be too shocked having seen Sunset Blvd. It feels really dense too, with just how much happens.
Also why would you pre-game for this?! How does someone look at a black-and-white film from the 60's, on the last week of term, and think, "You know what would really improve this experience? Vodka."