
ANerdList Patron

Favorite films

  • The Beatles Anthology
  • Funeral Parade of Roses
  • Beauty and the Beast
  • The Vanishing

Recent activity

  • Emilia Pérez


  • Classic Albums: Motörhead - Ace of Spades


  • Nosferatu


  • The Family Man


Recent reviews

  • Emilia Pérez

    Emilia Pérez


    Oh, now Zoe Saldana makes it clear that she has a tilde above the "n" in her name.

    This movie is yet another example of liberal cis writers trying to prove how accepting and progressive they are without actually consulting the very demographic of people they claim to be representing. A trans woman does not "smell like a man." Trans existence is not defined every moment of every day by suffering. And especially right now in this current political climate,…

  • Classic Albums: Motörhead - Ace of Spades

    Classic Albums: Motörhead - Ace of Spades


    Just a bunch of drunken mumbling that takes far too much effort to understand. Very little backstory. Not too much detail on how the songs came to genesis. Very disappointing.

Popular reviews

  • Everything Everywhere All at Once

    Everything Everywhere All at Once


    The more I sit on this movie, the more I realize that I dislike it even more than I first thought. What is this film even trying to be about? Queer acceptance? Kink acceptance? Self-acceptance? Tiger parents? Personal growth? Parent-child dynamics? Accepting your shitty life for exactly what it is and just settling? That last point especially seemed to be driven home more than once, and it's the one that I find the most problematic. As if the cruel, inequitable,…

  • Whiplash



    This is a response to the growing criticisms that this movie 1) Incorrectly depicts jazz artistry and 2) glorifies abuse.

    I will say this: As someone who has been abused, I very much appreciate and empathize with this take on the film. I don't share it, but I understand it.

    For me, the film never at any point glorifies Fletcher. For that matter, it doesn't leave Neiman off the hook, either. Fletcher's abuse changes Andrew and Andrew subsequently passes on…