DPO Guy is my hero, all these big brave men are fucked without a geek.
Great story told through solid performances from everyone. Anxiety was high throughout.
DPO Guy is my hero, all these big brave men are fucked without a geek.
Great story told through solid performances from everyone. Anxiety was high throughout.
Some bloody excellent performances around that table.
I know Nazi's are bad and that but is it okay to recruit the interior designer of that Nazi palace? Every room was beautifully decorated.
Bloody beautiful. Could well be the best Christmas Film.
+ Really enjoyed the animation style.
+ All of the scenes with the old guy in the rocking chair got me good.
+ Loved the logical explanations for all of the Santa tales.
+ Made me cry like a bitch several times and feel so many feels.
- Nothing.
I really enjoyed it but what the actual fuck was that ending.
+ The cinematography was bloody beautiful. Everything was extremely aesthetically pleasing from start to finish.
+ Demi Moore equally as beautiful.
+ I really enjoyed the juxtaposition between Sue and Elizabeth, even the small details like the contents of their fridges.
+ There was so many scenes that were like a sensory overload that really added to the experience.
- I felt like the nudity went…