Samantha Rae

Samantha Rae

Just a girl who grew up watching too many Universal Horror movies.

Favorite films

  • The Shining
  • 8½
  • Chinatown
  • Fargo

Recent activity

  • The Apprentice


  • Sing Sing


  • Snowpiercer


  • Parasite


Recent reviews

  • The Apprentice

    The Apprentice


    Glimpse into a psyche
    so cruel it suffocates. Sans
    truth, ego destroys.

  • Sing Sing

    Sing Sing


    Hope, a muscle built.
    Strength lies in sincerity.
    Standing ovation.

Popular reviews

  • V.I.P.



    First of all, Korean filmmakers understand the importance of cool cigarette lighting/smoking shots in a way that few others can. Aside from those shots, VIP also has one of the most awful villains I've seen in a film in a long time. The graphic violence against women in this film can be unsettling and potentially triggering for some, and none of the protagonists can really be considered "honorable heroes," but I really loved this film and the twists & turns it takes you on.

  • Under the Tree

    Under the Tree


    This is a film full of irredeemable, selfish characters who are all incapable of dealing with their emotions properly. As things escalate further and further, and all rational thinking is completely thrown out of the window, I found myself getting legitimately stressed watching these people self-destruct. This film succeeds at getting under your skin.