Ashley Méabh Maxime

Ashley Méabh Maxime

Favorite films

  • Insiang
  • Caravaggio
  • The Eagle Shooting Heroes
  • The Very Same Munchhausen

Recent activity

  • ear for eye


  • Murdering the Devil


  • The Man Who Sleeps


  • Who I Am and What I Want


Recent reviews

  • Insiang



    The cruelty of life clasping down to a near-vicegrip, only for hope to will itself free by its own necessity. Gets to be an excruciating watch during the second act (it really does feel like a three-act structure, one i normally struggle to recognize), but once it all begins to resolve i felt something odd, almost like a begrudging satisfaction, it's hard to put into words as words for it might not yet exist for that emotion. Great soundtrack-editing by…

  • Rejected



    More impressive as animation than as thesis, but that sure is some animation nonetheless. Enjoyed considering the levels of reality/surreality/absurdity within the world of the shorts, and by extension the near-mastery of the in-universe animator's craft. This is fun!!

Popular reviews

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    Everything Everywhere All at Once


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    Riki-Oh: The Story of Ricky


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