Enoch Younce

Enoch Younce

If a movie does its job well it's 5 stars. It's job could be being a bad movie, if it does that well it gets 5

Favorite films

  • The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!
  • Hot Fuzz
  • RRR
  • The Fall

Recent activity

  • Star Wars


  • Belly of the Beast


  • Repo Man


  • Against the Dark


Recent reviews

  • Star Wars

    Star Wars


    Just as the sea captivates a sailor, this film grasps the hearts of millions worldwide. The quintessential Sci fi movie, with effect that were honestly pretty good. All time classic

  • Belly of the Beast

    Belly of the Beast


    People who hate on action movies have never seen this movie. The depth to its combat scenes, combined with the intricacies of the characters involved blends into a beautiful picture of life itself. Additionally, I wish this movie was shown in my high school history class so we could all learn about other cultures from an authentic source. If you ever are looking for a good martial arts movie, you don't need enter the dragon you need this.

Popular reviews

  • The Raid

    The Raid


    Some of the best fight choreography and cinematography I've ever seen. Every punch and all 1 million kicks land. It's brutal, it's grimy, and it's full of people with machetes trying their best to finish him. Now although this movie is a crawl, it doesn't move like one and the sustained tension kept me enraptured throughout the film, making time but an illusion you could wave your hand through.

    My loyal followers narwhalnate and thadpalm will love this one

  • Against the Dark

    Against the Dark


    If I was in a apocalypse situation, there is no one I would want to have my back more than my boy Tao. His highly trained team effectively and quickly cleared rooms, saved lives, and didn't make some of the stupidest mistakes I've ever seen. Watching this was a master-class in survival situations and taught me everything I needed to know to prepare for the end times. I wish I could be turned into the infected so I could watch…
