Sauce Costanza

Sauce Costanza Patron

Favorite films

  • In the Line of Duty 4
  • Thief
  • Crank: High Voltage
  • Wake in Fright

Recent activity

  • Defending Your Life


  • Bitter Moon


  • Dead Bang


  • La Llorona


Recent reviews

  • Bitter Moon

    Bitter Moon


    Man, that rapist piece-of-shit pedo scumfuck really knows how to make movies, does he not?

  • The Faculty

    The Faculty


    Still stupid and still excellent.

Popular reviews

  • The Wicker Man

    The Wicker Man

    An astonishing achievement.

    The first hour is so mind-numbingly boring. And then, like the flick of a light switch, Cage seems to realize he's participating in the making of a truly terrible movie, and dials up his performance to 11 to save it.

    And save it he does.

    We've all seen the videos and memes, but there's no way stealing a bicycle at gunpoint was in the script. There's no way roundhouse kicking a woman into a wall was in the script. And there's no way "OOOOW MY LEG!!" was written down. Pure. Cage.

  • Righting Wrongs

    Righting Wrongs


    Within the first five minutes of this film, you get:

    - The Golden Harvest logo
    - An assassin blowing up an apartment full of children
    - A priest being shot at least 50 times
    - A car chase
    - A burning car jumping over a draw bridge
    - Said car being shot by a ridiculously large .357 and subsequently exploding

    Absolute god-tier stunt work.