"And now, the Lady Holiday's Swimwear!"
"Hey Waldorf, Wake up! Here come the bikinis!"
"Huh? Oh Boy! We better synchronize our pacemakers!"
"And now, the Lady Holiday's Swimwear!"
"Hey Waldorf, Wake up! Here come the bikinis!"
"Huh? Oh Boy! We better synchronize our pacemakers!"
Well whadyaknow. Therapists were a menace to society even back then.
There is no decision-making process here. This is the best marvel movie they ever made.
Supported by 18 previous films, The character development is as strong as a cast of 27 main actors could ever be. The story was riveting. The Russo's weren't messing around with this one. Also, Thanos is a MONSTER.
But a merciful one at best. (still a monster though)