

Favorite films

  • The Beyond
  • Aguirre, the Wrath of God
  • Baraka
  • Persona

Recent activity

  • Skinamarink


  • Ad Astra

  • Scare Package


  • Willow Creek


Recent reviews

  • Skinamarink



    The critics can't complain that you're style over substance when you don't have either. Checkmate!

  • Ad Astra

    Ad Astra

    Ad Astra is a mess.

    In a film where Brad Pitt tries to deliver one of the most controlled and understated performances of his career the plot is busy caving your nose in with a clue-by-four.

    Ad Astra has an opening monologue with Brad Pitt as an astronaut discussing his disconnect from everything but his duties. As he talks about ignoring unnecessary distractions the camera reveals his out of focus wife leaving him.

    This had me rolling my eyes more…

Popular reviews

  • Penguin Highway

    Penguin Highway


    I read a negative review for this film online that said it was full of the 'male gaze' and that it had an overly sexual relationship between a young kid and his friendly adult dental assistant.

    So being a queen of trash, I had to see it.

    After watching the film I think the critic who made these claims spent too much time huffing glue.

    This movie is a child's fable about coming of age and draws parallels between enjoyment…

  • Suspiria



    This is a dud.

    Suspiria in the hands of a poor filmmaker becomes a paint by numbers slasher. But I think I would have preferred the boring slasher rip-off to this pretentious shell-game imitating an art film.

    It's not scary, it's not creative and as much as I can appreciate the cinematography and music it's not in service to anything. So I don't care. I've seen bleakness for the sake of bleakness done well, this isn't it. The film commits…
