Ben Louis Nicholas

Ben Louis Nicholas Patron

Nothing, Nowhere, Independently

Favorite films

  • It's Not Me
  • Divine Intervention
  • Do Not Expect Too Much from the End of the World
  • Daaaaaalí!

Recent activity

  • Claire's Knee

  • Divine Intervention


  • The Green Ray

  • The Apprentice

Recent reviews

  • Claire's Knee

    Claire's Knee

    Love, at the whim of writers.

    Is Jerome given cover by Aurora’s writerly, voyeuristic gaze?; her observations of his romancing (which trend Lolita) delivered sans judgment… 

    Would contemporary Rohmer be making “Worst Person in the World” ??

  • The Green Ray

    The Green Ray

    When no amount of cozy sweaters nor a sun-drenched Biarritz coastline can pull you from your depression, you’ve got it bad girl.

    The amount of people seeing themselves in Delphine - myself included - surely amounts to something…

Popular reviews

  • The Apprentice

    The Apprentice

    Sorta half a movie but performances are remarkable!!

  • Strange Darling

    Strange Darling

    Insipid, dangerous and collectively drags us (by the hair) to a more debased human plane.  

    No, I did not like this movie. And:

    To all my friends who lauded it, your film crit from here on out will carry a stench.

    PS: The non-linearity is a gimmick, the point of which is to 'hide the cards' narratively - the cheapest of writing tricks. Quick test: put the film back in order and if the plot stinks, there’s part of…
