Brigham Cole

Brigham Cole

Favorite films

  • The Thing
  • Die Hard
  • The Big Lebowski
  • Possession

Recent activity

  • Rashomon


  • Eraserhead


  • Interstellar


  • 12 Angry Men


Recent reviews

  • Rumours



    I struggled to decide if I liked it or not, much like how the movie struggled to decide if it had anything really clever to say.

    We know our Western leaders are feckless idiots. Anybody can say that. Gotta dig a little deeper than that. Give us something with a little more meat on the bone.

    What I will give the movie are some excellent performances and a few bits that gave me a laugh here and there.

  • The Matrix

    The Matrix


    I can only show you the door...
    You're the one that has to walk through it.

Popular reviews

  • The Big Lebowski

    The Big Lebowski


    My go-to film. From the moment I first saw it, it captivated me. The funny thing is deep down, I know it shouldn't. However, the Dude (and his friends, likewise) are charismatic enough to envelope me for the run time. Infinitely quotable, and enjoyable. It's not about the story ultimately, it's about the experience.

  • Superman II

    Superman II


    It's not entirely the movie's fault that I didn't score it higher. I guess I was born at a wrong time to truly appreciate it.

    I love Christopher Reeve's performance, but he's carrying the load of my enjoyment. The rest of the performances come off as too cartoonish for me to get truly invested. Also unfortunate is how modern effects have spoiled me in terms of fully enjoying older movies and how low quality they appear by comparison.