If I was Henry Fonda, I simply would have been okay with Barbara Stanwyck taking all of my money.
“You better put handles on that skull, maybe you can grow geraniums in it!”
If I was Henry Fonda, I simply would have been okay with Barbara Stanwyck taking all of my money.
“You better put handles on that skull, maybe you can grow geraniums in it!”
Things I realized on rewatch:
1. Dennis Quaid’s character being named Harvey is hilariously on the nose
2. All the “undesirable” women wear blue (The house keeper, Isabelle/Cindy, Elisabeth for most of the first act). When Elisabeth is getting ready to go out with Fred, she’s NOT wearing blue because she finally wants to be seen. Then when she’s unhappy with her appearance, one of the first things she does is put on a blue scarf.
3. The food Elisabeth…
Is this what people felt like watching the lord of the rings as it came out? At some point I thought to myself, “Holy shit. I’m going to able to say that I saw this movie on opening night when people are still talking about it in 40 years.”
Easily the greatest sci-fi movie ever made and I really don’t think it’s close.
“Lead them to paradise.”