WAY more 80’s than I expected it to be (in a good way). The garbage fire scene is immaculate. This movie is an easy hang.
“That’s some weird fuckin shit, hey Bud?”
All about the terror of realizing every day people can commit acts so horrific it puts even the scariest of movies to shame.
On a lighter note, Peter Bogdanovich casting himself as a young up-and-coming director in his own directorial debut is so money.
“God, what an ugly town this has become.”
If I was Henry Fonda, I simply would have been okay with Barbara Stanwyck taking all of my money.
“You better put handles on that skull, maybe you can grow geraniums in it!”
On my third watch I have realized that this is a perfect movie. Delightful and quirky story led by two of the most unconventional stars; one at the height of their power, and one still on the come up.
“In time you'll drop dead and I'll come to your funeral in a red dress!”