i can’t believe i had never seen this.
if david lynch had stopped making movies after this one, it would still go down as one of the most singular works of art of the 20th century.
he has been gone for 2 months and i miss him like crazy.
i can’t believe i had never seen this.
if david lynch had stopped making movies after this one, it would still go down as one of the most singular works of art of the 20th century.
he has been gone for 2 months and i miss him like crazy.
this is my favorite Godard because every 10 minutes he interrupts the movie to aggressively whisper about war, language, socialism, capitalism, consumerism, death, gender, the afterlife, the media, and the prison of human thought.
Knowing you’re stupid doesn’t make you smart.
A complete and total assault. Ryan Reynolds has outdone himself as the king of oxymoronically juvenile “edginess” combined with an absolute cringe-until-you-hemmorage, nice-core sensibility.
Loved for being the most relatable(?) of the shameless celebrity moguls, Reynolds’ trademark “charisma” is similar to that of a middle school teacher desperately trying to seem hip for his students. It is no wonder that his primary audience is a generation of adults in arrested development. If they…
Robert Altman’s Nashville holds a special place in my heart. I saw it at an impressionable age and it completely imprinted what would become my artistic values, and what I like to see in cinema.
Nashville is an energetic experience. Perhaps the strongest sense of place ever captured on film. Flawless translation of characters to screen by the most giving, honest, and restrained ensemble cast of all time. Musical and soulful. Shocking and horrific yet cathartically earned. Documentarian, even shaggy because it can be! It’s Nashville! It rulezzzzzz!