

hat man does movie things

that favourite films list is unironic im very well adjusted i promise

Favorite films

  • Full Metal Jacket
  • Blade Runner 2049
  • Ratatouille
  • Children of Men

Recent activity

  • Die Hard


  • Gladiator II


  • Wonka

  • Alien: Romulus


Recent reviews

  • Die Hard

    Die Hard


    Hey Roy, how you feeling?

    Pretty fuckin' unappreciated, Al.

  • Gladiator II

    Gladiator II


    Will expand to a proper review "at some point." This is mostly me demonstrating I still have intents to use this stupid platform, because Slijmerig reminded me it exists.

    It's alright. 7/10-ish. Worse than its predecessor, contrary to what I was hearing about it before seeing it. I think it retreads pretty much the same ground as the original, and covers many of the same plot points, just less effectively and with weaker characters. Its biggest flaw is that we…

Popular reviews

  • A Bridge Too Far

    A Bridge Too Far


    Might as well knock this one off too while I remember it.

    A Bridge Too Far has all the same qualities in terms of childhood nostalgia as Full Metal Jacket, but the reasons I enjoy the movie itself are wholly different. It's so flawed, but it's so good despite these flaws.

    It's so much more grand than any other war movie, or at least the ones I've seen up to this point. There's a real sense of scope and scale,…

  • Monkey Man

    Monkey Man


    Dev Patel Does Perceptibly Damaging Perforations

    This movie kind of fucking rules, I won't lie. It's easily on par with something like John Wick (discounting the fourth one, the fourth one sucks), which I expect a lot of people will be comparing it to even though they aren't super similar beyond "leading man kills loads of people."

    Let's get the bad stuff out of the way first. It's not what the kids would call Kino (that's Lilith's word I'm just…
