I cover tech for a living, so this is a fun way to extend my writing to movies, even just a bit!
Find my other work on MobileSyrup.com.
“Don’t you think the Catholic Church went a little too far?” — Bill Burr
It’s an odd feeling, having an estranged father.
On the one hand, you remember all the pain he's caused and think you're better off without him. No more constantly (and hopelessly) waiting for him to take a 10-minute drive from his place to spend just a little bit of time with you. No more having to call Mum at 3am to pick you up from an alcohol-filled adult party that he irresponsibly brought you to. No more having to sit…
Happy St. Paddy’s Day, Billy Red Nuts. ☘️
Certainly not his best, but a good time overall. Really, I’m just killing time until I get to see him and Bob Odenkirk on Broadway next month — can’t wait!
Following The Batman, Paul Dano gets to once again play a rousing hero for Reddit incels, but this time, it’s a lot less emo.
Good movie.
I’ll preface this by saying that I didn’t watch this under the best circumstances. I haven’t been sleeping well due to some medical issues and I also woke up early to renew my passport, so I found myself nodding off a few times. Admittedly, the film is pretty slow, too, which didn’t help.
But on the whole, I really dug this. I went in expecting a Hitchcockian Rear Window or Dial M For Murder sort of thriller and came out with…