
brodie Patron

given up on favourites so top 4 is just 4 most recent 5 star watches

Favorite films

  • Vertigo
  • Outer Space
  • Anticipation of the Night
  • News from Home

Recent activity

  • Vertigo


  • Outer Space


  • Wolfwalkers


  • PlayTime


Recent reviews

  • Outer Space

    Outer Space


    rewatching this while i have a headache is up there with the stupidest things i've ever done

  • Anticipation of the Night

    Anticipation of the Night


    Photography abstracted to such a degree that it, in parts, resembles Brakhage's painted works. It taps into something I did a lot as a kid where I'd just look at something at a different angle or look at it much closer and it would suddenly become something else entirely. The corner of a ceiling, the way light dances in water. I love when I find little abstractions in life, hidden in plain sight. Infinite things to see, infinite ways to see them.

Popular reviews

  • Close-Up



    Even though I've only seen two of Kiarostami's films now, he has already become one of my favourite directors. What an absolute genius. RIP.

  • Beau Travail

    Beau Travail


    An instant favourite. And I can only see it getting better on a rewatch. Claire Denis' Beau Travail is a hypnotic masterpiece. Everything in this film is so subdued and seemingly calm, but there is always something lurking under the surface.

    It is one of the most visually striking films I have ever seen. Almost every single shot is breathtaking and rich with detail. The performances are brilliant and the editing is perfect. From beginning to end the film fills…