

5: best thing ever made
4.5: masterpiece
4: great
3.5: excellent
3: solid
2.5: mid
2: subpar
1.5 and lower: various degrees of 'bad'

Favorite films

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • Parasite
  • No Country for Old Men
  • Pulp Fiction

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  • Senna


  • Burn After Reading


  • Hell or High Water


Recent reviews

  • The Wolf of Wall Street

    The Wolf of Wall Street


    One of the most entertaining movies ever made, which is especially impressive considering it runs for 180 minutes.

    But I think the movie fails at portraying how awful these people are, and Belfort is barely even punished in the end. It also rubs me the wrong way that the real Belfort is featured here, as that dude does not deserve a platform.
