

Favorite films

  • The Scarecrow
  • Teenage Tourettes Camp
  • Taiwan Black Movies
  • Cat Listening to Music

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  • Band of Brothers

  • Young Sherlock Holmes

  • Very Happy Alexander

  • The History of the Cinema

Recent reviews

  • Fishing with John

    Fishing with John

    one of the weirdest things you could've been to me in my adolesence is the kid who didn't have cable. a kid i knew had hippy parents from chicago and their entire family was big on pbs. this fool would bring up shit like the red green show. "tom green show?" i would say. then he would go on to explain a zamboni sketch he saw. it didn't sound very appealing. most of the shows he brought up didn't. even…

  • Love


    There are documentaries that are good films and then there are documentaries that are good. Then there’s the more involved and divisive kind: documentaries that hit a special interest g spot. Larry Wessel has never not perfectly ran himself into this category for me. What he always nails is capturing the inspiration of his subjects. I think this is his obsession and why so many of his films get criticized for their editing. He just cannot cut this person he…

Popular reviews

  • Ween: Live in Chicago

    Ween: Live in Chicago

    the sentiment in she fucks me makes it one of the most humanist romantic songs ever btw

  • Firebreather


    my friend once had one of those weird nostalgia analytical theories that I always had trouble 100% agreeing with: weird kids were always more into cartoon network than nickolodeon. that sorta can be agreed with but i watched both at different houses that had different cable services, fucking desert cable. but it's true that cartoon network was always more devoted to being in the spirit of contributing to cartoons, not necessarily high expense or wide appeal disneyism that nickolodeon eventually…