Bart Woinski

Bart Woinski Patron

Favorite films

  • From Dusk Till Dawn
  • Rear Window
  • Cure
  • Blade Runner

Recent activity

  • The Naked Kiss


  • A Study in Terror


  • Wicked Little Letters


  • Death at a Funeral


Recent reviews

  • Maximum Overdrive

    Maximum Overdrive


    I love you Stephen King but I'm so glad you stuck to books.

  • Carved: The Slit-Mouthed Woman

    Carved: The Slit-Mouthed Woman


    This movie every five minutes: THWAP!!

    Aside from the impressive smackage, Carved: The Slit-Mouthed Woman is an okay J-horror. I feel like there were plentiful opportunities for this film to be as eerie and scary as its contemporaries, but it just so rarely happened. Still a pretty good time though.

Popular reviews

  • Chinatown



    Maybe I'm just a sucker private eye murder-mysteries, but goddamn, Chinatown is a great film. There isn't much to say that hasn't already been said for it either... the impeccable script, enthralling mystery, and the excellent performances all come together under Polanski's masterful direction to create a near-perfect neo-noir that stands among the rest for its unyielding perspective on big-city corruption. Every twist and turn is engaging, Jack Nicholson and Faye Dunaway act their asses off, and the period elements are flawless. In the end, I guess there was something to say about it... but it deserves the praise.

  • The Sadness

    The Sadness


    Depraved, violent, and senseless, The Sadness does everything it intended to do. Canadian director Rob Jabbaz deftly steers this Taiwanese extreme horror entry from one overtly gory scene to the next, including some semblance of a story. Unfortunately, said story and its characters matter very little in the face of the game involving subsequently grotesque set-pieces trying to outdo the next, which overshadows any significant structural element.

    The Sadness is a wild ride that one should view as a singular experience in brutality and a unique reflection on the COVID-19 pandemic. Nothing more, nothing less.