Gambler, The
I love you James Caan
Had high hopes for this which fell a bit flat. I appreciate what this was doing, it clearly was made for a very wide audience, and trying to be an anthemic film for women, but I had a lot of gripes with it.
It definitely validated my fears I had for it. It felt so studio: clean, safe, surface level characters (even aside from the satirized Barbie world characters), and marketed. The whole Chevy thing was just such an eye…
Astounding. Such a beautiful story of light and darkness shown through the innocence of children trying to make it through a cruel world. So insightful, and so many things to say about this.
I’ve been wanting to see the films of Angelopolis for a long time, but none of them are anywhere to be found online- until i found a website that has 5 of his most well known works.
Here’s the link, this website is a heaven send.