Pretty! Great colouring! Otherwise ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Another solid movie to watch with the gals on the couch
Pretty! Great colouring! Otherwise ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Another solid movie to watch with the gals on the couch
Second time in 8 months, still bangs!!! First time watching this with the gals! First time learning this was shot in MF Vancouver!!!!! Perfect film
Blows every Step Up out of the water, I’ll say that much
Lmfao I am, frankly, incredulous about how terrible this was. As if someone gave a 2004 LiveJournal account a $20m (!) budget to make their horny fan fiction into an A24 movie. Like, what?????? My favourite part was loling with Claire before and after the show. Can’t believe I’ll never get that time back! Shocking.