Movie was so bollocks I redownloaded Letterbox.
Mia Goth is still dope, though.
Pretty good. A stupid good time with friends. Age cap is like 30-32. Anybody older will not enjoy it as much. Hilarious for 18-25 year olds. Main three problems I had (minor spoilers).
1. Pete Davidson dies in the first 20 minutes (bruh).
2. Can’t see shit when people are running around in the dark.
3. Dumbass character decisions to move the plot.
Looks great but is mad boring with no real interesting conflict in the last 45 minutes. More of a nostalgia boner thing.
Loved this film in every way. A masterful display of using some of the most difficult challenges we all face in a beautiful and excellently crafted way. Really had me crying over shells smh.