Never saw Lucille Ball in a movie before. She was good in this but she was better off setting the bar for sitcoms.
Read Charles Coburn's wiki and frankly he can rot in hell.
1997: Swedish Television Channel SVT develops a reality TV competition show Expedition: Robinson, where 20 shipwrecked contestants must vote each other out until one remains to win the grand prize. The first contestant eliminated, Sinisa Savija, is so disheartened by the experience and the televised embarassment that a month later he throws himself in front of a moving train.
1998: The movie The Truman Show comes out to wide acclaim, showing the moral depravity of putting people's lives on TV.…
Another one of these old movies where it’s just 2 hours of a common schlub getting his ass kicked by the corporate world that somehow everyone left the theatre and were like “well that was great, time to fight communism some more!”
Shout out to the last names in this movie though, top notch. Kubelik, Sheldrake, Kirkeby, Matuschka, Dobisch, Eichelberger. I want more movies with last names I’ve never heard once in my life.
And an additional shout out to Two Boys In A Balcony for their consistently pro-William Wilder stance that influenced me to finally watch this. Those Balcony Boys don’t miss.
Frustratingly modern feel to it. The police state. The politics of gender and sexuality. Everyone is underpaid and overstressed. No matter how hardened and cynical you are you’ll still meet your downfall by believing you might get out of here, even if that’s the most human thing to want to believe and even if you only believe it for a second.
Things haven’t really improved. Sure the news might be slightly nicer to a trans woman now, but imagine how much more fucked up the heist response would be under Eric Adams.