Blu Ray
A lot more enjoyable after having seen the Resolution to help fill in the gaps.
Blu Ray
A lot more enjoyable after having seen the Resolution to help fill in the gaps.
Savoy 16
Entertaining as all hell. That Duck ain't right.
Digital Imax
Round 2 was so necessary. The pacing issues were nonexistent to me this time. This movie meanders a bit, but it's a true epic as opposed to a white-knuckle chase movie, and everywhere it goes is interesting.
The 19 minute war rig action sequence is an all-timer, but the Bullet Town shootout is one of the best gun combat sequences in a long time.
This is George Miller's Phantom Menace. There's a huge desert chase sequence right in…
Blu Ray
Hooptober XI - 34th Entry
This is my second time seeing this, but my first time putting all the pieces together with the cult and whatnot. I think Ari Aster is a little manipulative with the tragedy in his movies (more on that in my Midsommar review), but other than a taste of that here, this is basically perfect.