Adam Condra

Adam Condra Pro

Favorite films

  • Hot Fuzz
  • Jurassic Park
  • Four Lions
  • Tenet

Recent activity

  • Andrew Schulz: LIFE


  • The Return

  • Rolling Thunder


  • Nosferatu


Recent reviews

  • Andrew Schulz: LIFE

    Andrew Schulz: LIFE


    Gotta say, I’m pretty surprised by this. My big knock on Infamous was that none of Schulz’s prepared material was all that good. On his feet and working with a crowd? There is no one better. He’s also such an astute and quick observer of human culture. But I didn’t think he had the chops to sustain a whole show just on the strength of his writing. That said, Life, which he’s been touring for what feels like years now,…

  • The Return

    The Return

    What if The Odyssey had no resonant power at all, its stakes were crowdsourced from Reddit, and it was scored by NPR bumper music?

Popular reviews

  • Until the Light Takes Us

    Until the Light Takes Us


    I had somehow never heard of this movie before spotting it on Amazon this weekend, which is odd, because I will take any opportunity to learn anything I can about Norwegian black metal. Very little media exists that covers the topic, and that's ultimately because it's a pretty sewn up subject. It's a straightforward story with a beginning, middle, and end, and no one really exists outside of the major players who are still alive and just telling the same…

  • GoodFellas



    Not sure what I have to add to the discussion of a 30 year old film that's been part of pop culture since it came out, so here are a few stray thoughts, as someone who just watched it for the first time:

    -I was mad initially that there's this big heist driving the second half of the movie, and they never show the heist! But then I remembered that they already showed how an airport heist works and what…