

who’s not into chillin’ and watching?

Favorite films

  • Last Night in Soho
  • Lost in Translation
  • The Craft
  • Thirteen

Recent activity

  • Gie


  • Dark Nuns


  • One Day We'll Talk About Today


  • Brokeback Mountain


Recent reviews

  • Gie



    Film ini kayak paket lengkap buat yang suka film bertema sejarah dan aktivisme. Niscap bener-bener nunjukin sisi Soe Hok Gie yang kritis, idealis, tapi juga kesepian. Visualnya keren banget, beneran bikin kita kebawa ke era 60-an.

    Tapi jujur, film ini agak slow di beberapa bagian, jadi mungkin nggak semua orang bakal enjoy. Terus, karakter lain kurang dieksplorasi, jadi fokusnya cuma ke Gie doang. Tapi dari segi pesan, ini film ngena banget, apalagi soal ketidakadilan dan politik kotor yang masih relate sampai sekarang. Worth it buat ditonton, apalagi kalau suka film yang bikin mikir!

  • Dark Nuns

    Dark Nuns


    straight-up creepy with some intense exorcism vibes. Song Hye-kyo and Jeon Yeo-been killed it with their acting, making the story hit harder. the only downside? the backstory of the demon feels kinda half-baked. but overall, it’s still a solid horror flick, perfect for anyone who loves spooky stuff with a bit of emotional drama.

Popular reviews

  • Train to Busan

    Train to Busan


    The best zombie movie I have ever seen

  • Blonde



    The movie of the year so far. Hands down.

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