Dan Brader

Dan Brader

Favorite films

  • Thief
  • Heat
  • There Will Be Blood
  • GoodFellas

Recent activity

  • Wayne's World


  • Prisoners


  • Freddy vs. Jason


  • Suburban Mayhem


Recent reviews

  • Sing Sing

    Sing Sing


    “Sing Sing” is such a sanitised vision of prison life. It’s for sheltered middle class types who want to believe prison is just one big group hug.

  • Nosferatu



    Eggers is always a master visual stylist so there’s atmosphere to burn but there’s only so much of that I can vine on until it wears thin—that’s really all that’s going on here. Nosferatu stretches out a pretty thin plot to two hours and fifteen minutes. But…there’s also Willem Dafoe doing kooky Willem Dafoe things too which is always rad and Depp is convincingly possessed throughout. So there’s enough going on here for me to dish out three Isaac Newtown’s mum’s wombs out of five.

Popular reviews

  • Honey Boy

    Honey Boy


    After a horrible blowout argument with family last night this was just the tonic. A powerful, heartfelt & challenging look at an intense & difficult relationship between a deeply troubled Father & his wounded Son. If you don’t cry at the end of this you’re a robot. And....Whatever you think of Shia LeBouf as person you can’t say he doesn’t knock it out of the park here. Amazing work. Hugely inspiring for my upcoming show about my Dad & I too. Four sleazy motels with kind hearted hookers for neighbours out of five.

  • Emily the Criminal

    Emily the Criminal


    One of the year’s best. A credible story of a young woman driven into crime by desperation. Emily The Criminal is not just a well paced & exciting thriller but a brutal condemnation on a cruel & indifferent job market.