Dan Heaton

Dan Heaton Pro

Favorite films

  • Almost Famous
  • Heat
  • Metropolitan
  • Creed

Recent activity

  • Doctor Who: Vastra Investigates


  • Doctor Who: The Great Detective


  • Doctor Who: The Making of The Gunslinger


  • Doctor Who: P.S.


Pinned reviews

  • Midnight Oil: The Hardest Line

    Midnight Oil: The Hardest Line


    Love the Oils! Best live band I've ever seen. Best band. Period.

    Rob, Jim, Martin, Pete, and Bones are the greatest, plus Andrew and Giffo. Just brilliant and such a powerful band. The Hardest Line does an incredible job showing why I love the Oils. It tells their full story with everyone participating, and the music drives it all.

    Wish I could have seen The Hardest Line on the big screen. Awesome.

  • Rye Lane

    Rye Lane


    Wow, this was really wonderful!

    Lots of funny moments, and I was totally rooting for both Yas and Dom by the end. How can you not love a movie that involves breaking into an ex-boyfriend’s house to steal a The Low End Theory record?

Recent reviews

  • Superman: Man of Tomorrow

    Superman: Man of Tomorrow


    I liked the overall vibes of this reboot. The parasite didn’t do much for me, but the new world for Superman (plus the new animation style) has a lot of potential!

  • Justice League Dark: Apokolips War

    Justice League Dark: Apokolips War


    Basically every DC superhero (and some villains) appears for one last battle. It's an epic finish with high stakes, though you get the feeling it's all going to be reset by the end. Time to start over!

Popular reviews

  • Apollo: Missions to the Moon

    Apollo: Missions to the Moon


    I did not expect this documentary to offer such a strong overview of Apollo. It's a big step above the typical space doc, mainly because it's just a collection of archival footage (with a little bit of text). There's no need for a narrator or even talking heads when the material is this interesting. Great stuff.

  • Collateral



    After watching Blackhat so recently, I was amazed to remember that Mann did even more impressive visual work here. L.A. is gorgeous in this film, and Mann gets amazing mileage out of just shooting Foxx and Cruise in a car. I also forgot about brief cameos from Jason Statham and Javier Bardem, who owns the screen as the man behind the curtain.
