Daniel S Ryan

Daniel S Ryan

Director of Photography

Favorite films

  • Boyhood
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • The Grand Budapest Hotel
  • Shaun of the Dead

Recent activity

  • Inglourious Basterds


  • The Social Network


  • Shaun of the Dead


  • The Grand Budapest Hotel


Recent reviews

  • Inglourious Basterds

    Inglourious Basterds


    Favorite Movie Review #5

    Tarantino is one of my favorite directors and writers and Inglorious Basterds is where he really develops his style and it goes phenomenally.

  • The Social Network

    The Social Network


    Favorite movies review #4

    I loved this movie when I saw the trailer back in 2009. When I was 12-ish I didn't really understand the concept of a guilty pleasure movie (I confused it with sick day movie) and I didn't realize how awesome this movie was so I called it my guilty pleasure movie since no 12 year old needs to watch this movie every time he's sick (to be fair, I didn't own many movies, but nevertheless its awesome)

    I love fast paced dialogue driven character films, even more when Sorkin writes it and Fincher directs.

Popular reviews

  • Mad Max: Fury Road

    Mad Max: Fury Road

    I would have given the movie an extra star and a half if it just Blade Runner'd it and had an opening text describing who the people were. It's been thirty years, not all of us know who Mad Max is and no one knew who anyone else was cause according to research I did, none of the other three movies had those characters.

    This one stands on its one, but it has no legs. If it had an opening…

  • Toy Story 3

    Toy Story 3


    A movie that both concludes one generation and sparks another.

    This movie also ends a great philosophical dilemma that runs through the trilogy on irrelevance and happiness when Woody chooses to be in a museum, have a new owner or even try to assassinate buzz.
