The Movies.
“Favorites” reflect recent vibes/moods/inspo
“A Kiss at the End of the Rainbow” is now my favorite song, obviously. As soon as the movie ended I queued up Levy and O’Hara playing it at the Oscars that year 🥹
RIP to one of the absolute GOATs
Despite being one of the most rewatchable movies of all time, I don’t think I’ve watched this since Covid and goddamn you will not be surprised to hear that it remains an all-timer. The definition of a ripper. Pure gas. You ever been to Poughkeepsie??
First off, big shout to fellow Letterboxd users chrustir and byronlueders for the rec on this one.
The entire concept of Kowloon Walled City is so crazy and bleak and post-apocalyptic already that it is both a) insane that it was a real thing that existed for a long time, and 2) the fucking perfect setting for a goddamn kick ass flick. I am now going to seek out movies that specifically take place within The Walls.
Anyway, along with the 4 stars, this movie also gets 5 Whoa Sicks and 10 Hell Yeahs.