

Favorite films

  • All the President's Men
  • Heat
  • Withnail & I
  • The Darjeeling Limited

Recent activity

  • Eephus


  • Caddyshack


  • The Sacrifice


  • The Two Popes


Recent reviews

  • Eephus



    A film that takes place over the course of a seemingly meaningless beer league game—the last game of the season, before the town plows over the field and replaces it. This movie nails the feeling of transience in a small town, the sense that time marches on, and that the men who find meaning in their comfortable spaces (in this case, a pretty crummy ball game) might be lost without it.
    There's no big bad, no gentrifying developer threatening to…

  • Caddyshack



    "Hey, everybody! We're all gonna get laid!"

Popular reviews

  • Conclave



    This film, in addition to being hilarious, takes seriously the importance of faith and uncertainty and grapples with the diminishing importance of the Church in politically fraught times, in a completely respectful manner? And people are mad about it?

    I know that it flatters a sensibility that I possess—of a coastal-New-England cultural Catholicism and general favorability toward Pope Francis—but Conclave still comes out optimistic for what the Church can be. Great film and it should have won for best editing.

  • Field of Dreams

    Field of Dreams


    "We just don't recognize the most significant moments of our lives while they're happening. Back then I thought, 'Well, there'll be other days.' I didn't realize that that was the only day."

    Saw this in 35mm at the Coolidge. A great movie about dreams and purpose that somehow takes all the schmaltz and cheesiness and turns it into a big pile of sincerity. The final scene is what everyone remembers, but Moonlight Graham's entire storyline makes the movie for me.…