

Favorite films

  • The Secret of Kells
  • Blade Runner 2049
  • The Sacrifice
  • Song of the Sea

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  • The 21

  • Paris, Texas


  • Paris, Texas


  • Dune


Recent reviews

  • The 21

    The 21

    Kyrie Eleison! Great people! The images are very similar to Song of the Sea :)) and the other animations in that area

  • Paris, Texas

    Paris, Texas


    If I turn off the light, I will be able to see you

    First of all, I have to say wow.
    I noticed a lot of similarities with the movie Perfect Days, in both movies, the character is mute (someone said he's "selectively" mute but idk.). Also, the character has the same mustache in both of them :)) and many other similarities.
    I like that it is a simple but at the same time a complex film, due to the…

Popular reviews

  • 10 Things I Hate About You

    10 Things I Hate About You


    Ugh! Da! Mă așteptam la altceva! Am văzut niște reels cu diferite secvențe din film și părea destul de interesant! Nu e stilul meu și nici nu pot să zic că l-aș revedea.
    Din primele minute îți dai seama de stilul "american teen romantic movies", cu un vibe puternic teatral și un set de reacții ale personajelor...care au ceva naiv, în opinia mea.
    Un alt lucru tipic acestor filme, este faptul că surorile sunt total diferite, nu se înteleg siiii…

  • Beyond the Hills

    Beyond the Hills

    A disturbing case... I don't know if the film is worth seeing because it is such a sensitive subject that it should be avoided, in my opinion. It's just sad.
    I remember that I saw it two years ago and I also watched some news reports and it was not exactly the same...idk.. so I don't thing it's the best source of information for this case.