

My ratings are based on my enjoyment of the movie, and boy do I enjoy movies

Favorite films

  • Jaws
  • Mad Max: Fury Road
  • The Lighthouse
  • The Green Knight

Recent activity

  • Better Man


  • The Monkey


  • Mission: Impossible III


  • The Trial


Recent reviews

  • Better Man

    Better Man


    When I first heard of the concept of this movie, I had very low expectations. I was doubtful of it, and even more confused by its existence. But slowly but surely, my interest kept getting piqued. Could it really be as good as people are saying? I am here to tell you that yes, The Robbie Williams Monkey Movie is good. Actually, it’s fantastic. 

    My journey of discovery of this movie actually kind of parallels the journey of Robbie’s discovery.…

  • The Monkey

    The Monkey


    They’re calling it the least subtle movie of all time. Which is not necessarily a bad thing.

Popular reviews

  • Hit Man

    Hit Man


    Got to see this with a livestream q&a after, very cool to hear about the writing process and how they took the story from the somewhat limited original concept and totally ran with it.

    This was very fun! Admittedly my first Linklater film, so I will definitely be checking out more of his stuff. He’s definitely more of a “tell don’t show” director, which is fine but took a little getting used to. Whenever big plot developments are revealed solely…

  • Interstellar



    Oooohhh I get it! The power of love transcends all time and space and is the singular unifying bond that keeps us connected with our fellow humans! Cool cool cool I’m definitely not emotionally affected by this at all.

    Too many thoughts for words and yet even if I found them I’m not sure if they would do this film justice. The emotions I experienced during this were real and profound. I cried three times and had chills more than…