But a really good Christian film in a very weird and twisted way I watched this for my bucks night strangely enough lol
Would not pass the wife test - but if you’ve got a weird taste in movies you’ll enjoy
I don’t even know how to a review a movie of this - I’m not even sure how to describe this movie -
Not for the faint of my heart…
Did not pass the wifey test - and that’s alright
So good
First rewatch
All the little details so good-
And so good watching someone watch the movie and piecing it together.
That’s about it
If you haven’t watched this movie silly Billy
Shout out Soko
Alrighty I’ve been meaning to watch this for a while
Shout out that guy I’m following who has watched this movie 17 times and loves it so much - very good suggestion
This movie is Eternal sunshine X Momento
I think this movie would hit so much harder if
A.) I had been though the whole alzmers process with a family member (I thank the Lord I haven’t).
B.) If I wasn’t single atm lol
Having prefaced…