

Hey man, I'm just here for the popcorn.

Favorite films

  • Slither
  • The Warriors
  • Big Trouble in Little China
  • Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Recent activity

  • Moon


  • Encanto


  • Star Trek: Section 31

  • Red One


Recent reviews

  • Moon



    Moon is a beautiful essay on loneliness and the workers dilemma. We're people, not robots. We deserve dignity and freedom, and corporations shouldn't be allowed to lie to us in order to keep us complacent.

    Moon is slower and longer than it probably needs to be. It captures 2001's whole vibe, shares some of its flaws, but overall improves upon the subgenre of... What can we call this? Space Noir?

    Noir isn't just dames and booze and snub-nose .38s. Its…

  • Encanto



    Something is keeping me from giving it 5 stars. Idk what though. it's a beautiful movie, packed with layers of gorgeous detail, great music... I want to say it's a great message but as I write this, was the message a little muddy? Did I miss some crucial information? Something is weird and I can't place it right now. But 95% amazing is still damn amazing.

Popular reviews

  • Storm Fear

    Storm Fear


    Ya know, for all of it's faults there are some golden moments. Beyond the corny family melodrama and deadly mountain storm that never seems to stop anyone, I could watch Edna and Benjie argue for the whole movie. Two smaller roles elevated to greatness by just chewing the shit out of the scenery.

    My biggest concern: if the kid isn't bright enough to figure out who his real father is until the very end of the movie, maybe you don't…

  • The Autopsy of Jane Doe

    The Autopsy of Jane Doe


    Ok so... I'm conflicted.
    I liked it. I liked all the individual ingredients. But I'm left unsatisfied and I'm not sure why. Something in the way it all wraps up feels... Rushed? Unfinished? I don't know.

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