I’m kind of over movies that try too hard to make you feel ~emotions~
- cue piano music during sad scene -
I’m kind of over movies that try too hard to make you feel ~emotions~
- cue piano music during sad scene -
This was the most hilarious, touching and original thing I’ve seen in a while. Tilda Swinton is roaringly good, and Julio Torres? He’s like the new Nathan Fielder but of arthouse film.
I will be keeping my eyes keenly peeled on anything new from this exciting writer, director and actor.
This surprised me. What I thought was going to be more of a one dimensional drama, actually turned out to be rather multi layered and meditative, with a great neurotic performance by Trish Van Devere. If one watched it in the background it could almost be written off as a soap opera, yet in the way that Lynch’s Mulholland Drive turns from the pedestrian to the surreal in the seeming blink of an eye — this also turns from the everyday humdrum of gossipy relationships to moments of brooding existentialism. Thanks to Arsenal Kino in Berlin for screening this.
The bulk of this film was an iPhone conversation between Kristin Stewart and 'unknown', possibly the most unintelligent and tedious message thread to ever exist.