Electric Palace Cinema

Electric Palace Cinema HQ

The Electric Palace is an independent community cinema in the heart of Hastings Old Town, East Sussex, UK.



In anticipation of the Oscars we are excited to launch of Stars on Screen Season! From Bogart to Hayworth, we are celebrating the best and brightest to grace our screens… Make sure to check out our upcoming screenings and events through February and March!


The Neurodiversity Film Festival is a celebration of autism and neurodiversity on screen, making visible the characters and stories that are often invisible in contemporary mainstream cinema.

Recent reviews

Do the Right Thing

Do the Right Thing


Screening as part of our Summer Music Season 2024 hosted by music journalist David Quantick, join us for this Spike Lee classic, with summer pop-up pizza available before the film starts, on Saturday 27 July 2024 at the Electric Palace cinema in Hastings.


If you weren’t in love with Werner Herzog before, you might be by the time you finish watching this. 

Featuring an incredible roster of A list interviews from Robert Pattinson, Nicole Kidman and Christian Bale, to filmmakers such as Chloe Zhao, Joshua Oppenheimer and Wim Wenders. The most revealing interviewee is Herzog himself, who although is insightful in his work, is rarely this vulnerable.

We are screening Werner Herzog: Radical Dreamer as Annie’s staff pick on Sunday 12 May at 11am. Get tickets HERE!

Liked reviews

having a panic attack because you’ve realised you’re bad at fucking is kinda funny actually.