Trans nonbinary vampire who is constantly seeking the next horror movie that will genuinely terrify me.
Mia Goth serves cunt, excellence, and strange relatability in this prequel to X that takes a great movie's story and elevates it to heights I never expected. I can't stop thinking about her beautifully delivered monologue and the great kills in this film about a woman who can no longer suppress the demons inside her. Instant horror classic, just like X was, but somehow even more so.
I’m coming back to give this five stars because I’ve always loved this reboot and after the disaster that Halloween Kills was, Rob Zombie deserves all the cred for knowing how to actually make a great Halloween film. This film scared me so much as a teenager and it still holds up. I’ve rewatched it many times. I will never watch Halloween Kills again except maybe with my future kids so we can laugh together at how badly they ruined it.