Beautiful. Warm and kind and healing. A story about how that’s what art does. One of my favorites of this year’s awards crop. Don’t miss this one.
“Sometimes it’s all just a little too much on the heart.”
This was fantastic. I knew nothing of Brazil’s political history, but felt fully immersed in the time and place (Rio de Janeiro in the ‘70s) and enveloped in the warmth of this tight-knit family. It perfectly illustrates the before and after - of a terrible event that draws a hard line through your existence and suddenly the world shifts, and will never shift back.
A warning tale for those in places where democracy is failing, about the moment where it…
They really slapped some glasses and a messy ponytail on teenage Alicia Silverstone and made her call herself ugly TWICE
Andrea Riseborough’s big courtroom meltdown screaming, “You men, you FUCKING men!” ...I felt that