

we like to movie movie!
we like to movie movie!

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  • Stalker
  • Ghost in the Shell
  • Top Secret!
  • Funny Games

Recent activity

  • Rap World


  • Escape from New York


  • Hundreds of Beavers


  • Donnie Darko


Recent reviews

  • Rap World

    Rap World


    i came in not sure if i was sentient in 2009 but man the culture here for sure had its claws in me. could not fucking BELIEVE windows 7 barely fit into this time period. got a crazy amount of bystander weed anxiety

    laughed and cried. fun fucking watch

  • Escape from New York

    Escape from New York


    not even excited to leave a negative review.
    for such a ridiculous yet awesome start with some very real atmosphere and tension, a cool setting and a fun cast of characters... all that is just ripped up and shredded right after it comes together. why???

    i cannot for the life of me figure out why they decided to suddenly drop just about all of the prior tension, the character dynamics, the mystery, to set the narrative in stone while employing…

Popular reviews

  • No Country for Old Men

    No Country for Old Men


    These guys are all animals circling round the same rot and the sheriff was the only one smart enough to walk away from the carcass of Texas. Never been so scared by gunshots in a movie before.

  • Skinamarink



    2 positively grueling hours of the light flickering away from a candle's flame, and the flame is just embers an hour in. every comfort is quickly taken away from both the children and you, until all that's left is just cold.
    incredibly unique throwback to all of your worst childhood nightmares.

    more than anything it's immersive, but you gotta let yourself be a kid just a little bit for it to work its cruel magic. my tummy hurts