
Arda Pro

Cinema is the art form that makes me feel inexplicably amazed and has an important role in my life.

Favorite films

  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Synecdoche, New York
  • Cinema Paradiso
  • Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter... and Spring

Recent activity

  • Cube


  • Where Are You, Jafar Panahi?

  • John Wick


  • Incendies


Recent reviews

  • Cube



    nice to have on the side while doing boring ass school work

  • Incendies



    Do not weep, babe, for war is kind.
    Because your father tumbled in the yellow trenches,
    Raged at his breast, gulped and died,
    Do not weep.
    War is kind.


    Mother whose heart hung humble as a button
    On the bright splendid shroud of your son,
    Do not weep.
    War is kind.

Popular reviews

  • The Girl with the Red Scarf

    The Girl with the Red Scarf


    cemşit-ilyas-asya standoff > the good-the bad-the ugly standoff

  • On Board

    On Board


    "Ay soyle igrenc vay kadin boyle objelestirilmis" diye bi ton yorum var. Ulan evet filmin orta noktasindaki olay bu cunku. Bu adamlarin bu tur seyleri olumlamaya calistigini dusunecek kadar kus beyinli misiniz yoksa hayatinizda izlediginiz ilk film bu mu? Evet iyi anlatmislar, dil de yerinde hareketler de. Adamin yazdigi senaryo bu cunku, gercek hayatta oyle yaptigi veya yapilmasini savundugu icin degil. Her seyde nasil zirlanacak bisey bulabiliyosunuz akil alir gibi degil. Hayatimizdan da cevremizden de siktir olup gidin artik