Maeda decides to have an operation to cure his color-blindness, but he becomes afraid that after the operation, his world is not going to be the same.
Maeda decides to have an operation to cure his color-blindness, but he becomes afraid that after the operation, his world is not going to be the same.
Action! - Love, Lust And Violence: Sion Sono's Inland Empire W/ The Night Nutter, Joe Mighty Castillo, The Other Guys.... and Jeff
With some strangely fitting cool and trendy music playing in the background, as well as some colorful settings, we find Sion Sono pondering on his life as he starts to lose his mind in the way that only Sono can.
All in all, if you've become a fan of the director's most experimental and bizarre shorts by this point, I'd say this rates higher among the rest, if only because it's not just visual noise but there's something like a plot.
Flight to Fury
The Suicide Club
Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness
This actually feels like a pretty perfect companion piece with I Am Keiko. They both deal with pretty big existential issues, this one posing the question "Wouldn't it be terrible, if the world I see now is better?"
A man who has been colorblind his whole life is scheduled for an operation to give him the ability to see colors. Throughout this 21 minute short, he wrestles with his emotions on the situation, and if he really wants to go through with it. We all struggle through change, especially ones that no one can prove to you will be beneficial, yet are irreversible. Sion Sono, with the help of a phenomenal performance by Masatoshi Nagase, expresses…
Sion Sono is a painter. Anyone who’s seen any of his films would instantly agree. Whether it is the kaleidoscopic excess of ANTIPORNO or the literary pink fluidity of GUILTY OF ROMANCE or the harsh yellow menace of FOREST OF LOVE— colors are his eyes. But before all that, he made this experimental short about a man who is colorblind, but not for long.
I have seen 5 of his films till now, and there’s a consistent theme across all—everyone is searching for the truth. Contrastingly, this man, who’s about to finally see the world in all its colorful glory, is running away from it. The thing that scares him the most about his upcoming eye surgery is not that…
Things will never look the same again.
What an impressive look on the world .. what an exceptional short
do you think sion sono would want to be my friend
Ein Farbenblinder wartet auf seine Augen-Op. Wird er endlich Farben sehen können und wird es seinen Vorstellungen entsprechen?
20-minütuger Kurzfilm von Sion Sono, in dem er durch verschiedene Kameras bzw. Farbfilter die Sicht des farbenblinden Protagonisten einer normalen gegenüberstellt.
Dem japanischen Regisseur gelingt es dabei wunderbar die Sehnsucht des Farbenblinden nach Farben sowie die Zweifel, seine eigene Perspektive der Welt aufgeben zu müssen, zu symbolisieren. Man fühlt definitiv mit ihm mit.
Mir wird es an mancher Stelle in der Handlung jedoch etwas zu abstrakt und zu unklar, was mir das Gezeigte jetzt vermitteln soll. Die sich wiederholenden oder besser gesagt sehr ähnlichen Szenen hätte es auch nicht unbedingt in der Fülle gebraucht.
Als Kurzfilm funktioniert das Konzept aber vollkommen und unterhält einen weitgehend.
A great look into social conformity with a cool experimental style
“What if the way I see is better? What if I’m right and they’re wrong?”
A fine example about the fear of change.
My world is much more colorful than you think. It's mine and mine only. It's any color I say it is.
If everyone believes in a lie, is it still a lie?
If everyone misuses a word, will the word lose it's own meaning?
Is there really a difference in the end, if the word is being used wrongly by everyone? And is the world actually gonna change just because Maeda finally is being able to see colours now?
His whole life people made Maeda feeling like he's missing out due to his colourblindness. Now what's a world without colour? Is he living a lie? Or is he just living the same life.
I really love this short's title. Going blind into this film I thought it's gonna be about a guy trying to understand the impossible dimension. A Flatlander trying…
Sion Sono Ranked
with Incelboi, Rafael, Allen, and Jeffery
I miss going to Shibuya almost every weekend for concerts. But every time I see Shibuya Crossing in a film, it just feels like lazy filmmaking. All you have to do is show up and film the large crowds of people who don't want to be recorded. In Japan, recording strangers without their consent is illegal because of awesome privacy laws! So you'll see faces blurred in youtube videos, but for some reason it's okay to record at Shibuya Crossing. There's nothing special about Shibuya Crossing, really, but people keep doing it as if they've forgotten what it looks like. It's just people who need to cross the road.
Speaking of…