A couple spends on entire day in bed together
A couple spends on entire day in bed together
A practice in production minimalism, without losing the heart. Feels like Cody Clarke’s most personal film yet. If there’s any film you could show to someone to convince them anyone can make a movie right here, right now, this would be it.
Free on YouTube here:
Shoutout to @m62presents for the request.
Pretty good for a film that's entirely shot in one location. A couple spends an entire day in bed. Watch as they go from talking about silly subjects to petty bickering. Bed is full of raw and authentic emotions. Cody Clarke and Chloe Castiglioni refrain from overacting, but still put a lot of heart into it. The improv makes the lines much more realistic. Definitely a step-up from the godawful No Shark.
"We're good right here. We're fine like this."
This film feels so real. I found myself getting a weird feeling of deja vu. Feel like I've been on both sides of conversations like this.
Such a unique set up for a film as well! Really well done!
"A relationship is kinda like an unpaid internship or whatever. It'd be cool if we got money... Our relationship is like communism."
I really need to explore indie features on YouTube more. The fact that this film sits at under 2,000 views is crazy to me. People like Cody Clarke are out here making compelling movies with niche concepts and heartfelt results on a shoestring production budget. It's the kind of movie that reminds you good writing and performances can outshine production limitations and makes you want to start working on something yourself immediately.
The whole movie takes place in a bed. Shot in 10 hours. All Cody’s movies have a great hook like this. And the dude makes movies for LITERALLY no money. He should have a much bigger fanbase. Get onboard.
Chloe Castiglioni is very good in this.
So good. Obviously I'm a big Cody fan so there's inherent bias at this point but I was floored by this fucking movie. The performances are outstanding and the decision to let them drive the film was the best thing Cody could've done as director. The ending took my breath away.
I was transfixed, this man is so goddamn annoying, I couldn't stop watching. Enchanting voyeuristic feeling watching this. Loved/hated it.
Calling up work sick and trying to make urself sound sick is super relatable. Even when I’m sick but in ways that don’t effect my voice I have to try and make my voice sound sick so they don’t think I’m lying. This film was very, natural and real. It’s about two very normal people lying in bed.
Recently I’ve been trying to write a film all set in one location, this did that very well and it was pretty inspiring for me, even though I didn’t love it I sent it to my friend that I write films with and told him to watch it. I find any film able to keep your attention for an hour when it’s…
Incredibly sweet and genuine with a great gut punch at the end that caught me by surprise.
The best truly independent feature films being made today are all free on YouTube, as it turns out. My favorite Cody Clarke film so far. Gonna check out Shredder next.
i wish i could figure out what foot fetishists are getting off on too. that one baffles me.
this was my first cody clarke film i believe, and it was almost definitely the best place i could have started, in that it's the kind of film i'm partial to, that i'm always going to be primed to enjoy.
i'm not sure if he'd agree or how he'd feel about this, but i think it's the closest he's come to a swanberg/bujalski mumblecore indie style movie.
A no-budget single-location drama driven entirely by its dialogue, Bed explores a couple who decide to spend a day... well, in their titular bed. After some convincing from the boyfriend, they slow down their lives and eventually have some tough conversations that they probably should've had a long time ago.
Bed comes to us from the filmmaker Cody Clarke who posts several independent features a year on his YouTube channel, sometimes crowdsourcing small amounts of money and then going ahead and making the movie anyway when they fall well short of fundraising goals.
Maybe it's just me, but I actually think Cody wrote a pretty unlikable character for himself here. This is a guy who has a pretty good sense…
I watched this on a bed. tackles one of the most torturous sensations known to man, that being lying on a bed for hours after waking up, dusty pillowcase, ragged bedsheet falling off the mattress, with the anxieties and dry breath of thinking what you could’ve done with all that lost time. this film is interesting (or maybe just out of its mind) because it basically makes that lost time not just a character’s whole motivation but their whole being itself. someone persistently obsessed with inexperience and unimagination, not for fear of the opposite but for the curiosity of discovering what’s new in an arena of such nothingness. and that’s the movie’s whole aesthetic. even with the limits of the…