“I want revenge!”
Being from the crazed mind behind The Boxer’s Omen I would be lying if I said I was expecting a full blown black magic based shocker with excessive rituals, puke, and necromancy all in the name of vengeance but the first hour of Hex plays out like a HK version of Henri-Georges Clouzot’s Les Diaboliques set in the 20th century—more melodramatic than anything— but really delves into the blissful plotting against an abusive man towards women.
Hex then slowly morphs into that black magic style that Kuei Chih-hung—and Hong Kong cinema in general— are really known for, nothing too over-the-top but the wait is worth it, supernatural phenomena, ghost hauntings and surreal exorcist madness leading up to quite possibly the sexiest, sleaziest, nude exorcism dance sequence ever put on film—can all movies end like that please?— might be rating this alittle too high but I fucking loved all the goofy out-of-left-field twists and turns, very very very fun.