Some like it H.O.T.S.!
Four girls spurned by the popular Sorority on campus decide to start their own and steal all the men on campus away from the house that rejected them.
Four girls spurned by the popular Sorority on campus decide to start their own and steal all the men on campus away from the house that rejected them.
T & A Academy, Las bellas rebeldes, American Teens (H.O.T.S.), American Teens, Hay otros tipos salvables, 美国啦啦队, Горячие штучки
Pop Quiz
The film H.O.T.S. features which of the following:
a.) A live bear climbing a ladder and getting into a batch of moonshine
b.) A live seal chasing around a chainsmoking middle-aged housekeeper
c.) An escaped convict in disguise as a cleaning robot in order to gain access to a sorority house
d.) A strip-football game interrupted by a hot air balloon containing said bear and said convict
e.) Gratuitous Danny Bonaduce
f.) All of the above
(If you answered anything other than "f", then I feel sorry for your lack of imagination/faith in the power of movies)
Of all the reasons you could be drawn to teen sex comedies, my main one is the overwhelming positivity and dumb fun-factor of them. In that regard, H.O.T.S. delivered in spades. It is definitely a "Gene pick". It never takes itself seriously and has the clear mission of sweeping its audience up into the party. Quite a bit more entertaining than I expected.
UPDATE: Already worried I might have underrated this. It definitely deserves points for sheer unpredictability, thanks to an almost-completely plotless structure that allows for gags and sequences to be thrown together seemingly at random. I laughed a lot but at the same time I felt disconnected somehow, like I wasn't supposed to be laughing. There are some sequences that are actually offensive, like an attempted rape and a couple of the jokes at the expense of H.O.T.S' sole overweight member (lol, "sole overweight member"), but it wasn't just that. I dunno, maybe it's just because I never saw H.O.T.
The advertisements and plot descriptions of H.O.T.S. make it sound like a typical collegiate flop-and-jiggle flesh fest, but it’s more like one of those films interspersed with dreams caught in fragments while watching the film at 2:30 AM on the couch and fading in and out of consciousness. Imagine trying to tell a friend about this film; it’d go something like, “So yeah, I saw this movie last night, and there were all these hot chicks trying to ace out these other hot chicks, there was like some fraternity shit or something… and there were boobs everywhere, it was awesome… and then there was a seal, and this topless woman skydove into a swimming pool… and there was a hot-air…
The 70’s were such a simple time, this is movie sees two warring sororities facing off against each other, stealing boyfriends and culminating in a game of strip football. Plenty of seventies eye candy and silly comical sun plots with gangsters and a missing bear. So basically checks off all the bad comedy tropes of its time.
„H.O.T.S“ (1979), in Deutschland unter dem etwas langweiligen Titel „American Teens“ gelaufen. Und mich hatte er nie so interessiert weil ichs mit amerikanischen sexy Teen Comedies nie so hatte - obwohl ich Teens an sich selbstverstaendlich als sexy empfinde. Aber in den Filmen kommt das immer so albern.
Ich guckte den Film als Teil meiner Susan Kiger Werkschau. Und Miss Januar 1977 ist hier nicht das einzige Playmate an Bord, ihr zur Seite stehen Miss April 1978 Pamela Bryant und Miss Juni 1974 Sandy Johnson. War einer der drei Filme die Kiger ’79 machte - und es ist vielleicht sogar ihr bekanntester, zumindest in den USA. Da ist’s ein kleiner Kultfilm.
Geht um folgendes: Sexy Susan kommt auf der Universitaet…
I miss Weird Wednesday so much, I actually went through the effort of tracking this down.
Originally titled “T&A Academy,” this precursor to the R-rated sex comedy boom of the early 80s is far better than any of those.
The wet t-shirt contest is a given, but they don’t stop there. Things you will see topless (or completely nude) women do in “H.O.T.S.” include:
- Skydiving
- Pie fighting
- Strip football
- Bathtub volleyball with an actual seal
There’s also an extended scene of an actual bear playing in an above-ground swimming pool and in an attic.
A cleaning robot the size of a hot water heater shows up too. And Danny Bonaduce from the Partridge Family.
Minus one star for making the one plus-sized sister into a joke and another for the only black character being a house maid.
“Swinging Cheerleaders” this is not.
It has everything you could ask for in an exploitative campus sex comedy and also some of the slightly dated stuff that will blow your mind. It's built around silliness from the get-go, and from there to the end a handful of misadventures unfold until the final match. Lots of boobs, little budget and more half smiles than laughs.
"H.O.T.S." imitiert ganz klar "Ich glaub´, mich tritt ein Pferd!" (Landis 1978) und findet in einigen Szenen sogar Anschuss an dessen anarchischen Humor, fällt aber immer wieder auch in einfallslose Stereotypen des Genres zurück. Immerhin: Die Mädels sind knackig und meist nackig!
The 80s teen comedy emerges from the husk of the 70s teen comedy.
I saw this once at the original downtown Alamo in I guess 1998/99. It was long before I ever went to a Weird Wednesday and begin to forge an appreciation for this type of cinema. I guess 15 years of movie-watching can really alter one's perspective on these things. This movie was goofy as fuck. Also, the first Weird Wednesday I have been to in the Laird regime, he did great!