A gunfighter called "El Rojo" arrives in Gold Hill to avenge his massacred family.
A gunfighter called "El Rojo" arrives in Gold Hill to avenge his massacred family.
El Rocho - Der Töter, El Rocho – der Töter, Rojo, o Implacável, Эль Рохо, Rojo, O Implacável
Esse aqui é um dos Spaghetti Westerns mais genéricos que já vi na vida. Não, sério: protagonista sem nome, plot de vingança, baixo orçamento, sets pequenos, ação paia...
Isso é o que filmes de faroeste italianos são para quem não gosta do gênero.
- Richard Harrison novinho. Meu pai amado, me cansei do filme, mas não cansei de olhar pro rosto angelical desse cara.
- A música tema (versão com vocal) que INFELIZMENTE não é utilizada na abertura, mas sim em uma cena de musical. O problema nisso? A letra é totalmente diferente em ambas instâncias.
Vou ser sincera, o pior Spaghetti que já assisti foi His Name was King... E APESAR de…
Rojo is an utterly unremarkable spaghetti western with a couple of standout moments.
Handsome block of wood Richard Harrison plays a man out for revenge after a family is massacred. The slaughter is blamed on American Indians, who are then wiped out, paving the way for a mining town run by a small cabal of powerful men.
It's a fine setup for a western, but everything unfolds in the most boring and workmanlike fashion possible.
A shootout at night during a carnival with fireworks provides the one bit of visual excitement. A mysterious gunman with a ruined jaw who wears a covering on the bottom of his face provides a bit of eeriness and an odd ending. Other than that this was completely unmemorable.
Die Familie Sorenson wird angeblich von Indianern massakriert, wobei auf dem Land eben dieser Familie Jahre später das Städtchen Gold Hill blüht und gedeiht. Eines Tages reitet El Rojo in die Stadt ein, während die vier Gründerväter, einer nach dem anderen, plötzlich zu Tode kommen. Fast zur gleichen Zeit taucht noch ein weiterer Fremder auf, der auffallendes Interesse an El Rojo zeigt…
Bei El Rojo handelt es sich um einen Italo-Western mit Thriller-Einflüssen, denn Richard Harrison hat eine Rechnung mit vier Würdenträgern eines Städtchens zu begleichen, die einst in ein Massaker verwickelt waren. El Rojo ist gleichzeitig als ein recht unausgeglichener Film zu bezeichnen, mit einem Hauptdarsteller, der ohne ersichtlichen Grund El Rojo, der Rote, genannt wird. In der Eröffnungssequenz…
original title: El Rojo
In 1868, the settler family of Sorensen is seemingly massacred by Indians as they are approaching the gold mine they had staked a claim for. Years later, as a prosperous town has risen on the site of the mine, effectively ran by four corrupt businessmen, the last surviving member of the Sorensen family, Donald (Richard Harrison), comes to Gold Hill to exact his personal vengeance on the four men who had made their fortune with his family's gold. Leopoldo Savona's first Western film is a decently solid effort that holds together as an entertaining, if not outstanding, revenge flick. The movie is very much carried forward by Donald's various schemes to get to his targets, for…
"You know you can't trust a bottle. The sooner you get fond of it, it deserts you - like a woman"
When the name Richard Harrison comes up, movie trivia is the best way to describe his career: He starred in tons of director Godfrey Ho's ninja movies in the 1980s, he's featured in the best ending in cinema history with the 1985 movie "Blood Debts" and he turned down the lead role for Sergio Leone's "A Fistful of Dollars" and recommended Clint Eastwood. And "Rojo" sucks. Harrison just has no charisma or screen presence, at least in this movie. The dubbing is awful, the script is incoherent and the music is trash. It probably wouldn't make Richard Harrison trivia either it's so forgettable.
El Rojo is the nickname for Donald Sorensen, a man bent on revenge against the four most prominent men in a small town in New Mexico Territory. He kills them off one by one.
By this point in time, we’ve already seen this plot multiple times before within the genre. We don’t even find out the reason for the revenge until a few minutes before the end of the film, which makes it less sweet. Richard Harrison (The Invincible Gladiator, Perseus the Invincible/Son of Hercules Vs Medusa, Giants of Rome) stars as El Rojo in his second Western, and honestly, he’s just not a great hero from what I’ve seen so far (the same goes for his 1968 revenge western,…
Substandard “mystery” Eurowestern where the mystery is plainly obvious (focused on the why as opposed to the who). Cast isn’t awful though Harrison has always been a third tier Eurowestern lead. The one sheet for this is also used for another Harrison western called VENGEANCE.
Socorro que ator lindo
I don't have cable for my smart tv but I can watch certain channels for free
I watched GRJNGO which plays 24/7 western movies.
Kinda cool.
Sadly this film fucking suck
I don't watch movies for their campiness but I have to admit that's kind of how I watched "Rojo". The Mexican bad guy's make-up is the type that would make an uptight person nervous and the Indian guy looks as convincing as a Hekawi from "F-Troop". A lot of the action is a guy turning around with an arrow sticking of his shirt kind of stuff. All of that ends up giving this movie a certain amount of charm. Add in a very friendly running time of 82 minutes and "Rojo" becomes worth the watch. Maybe just once but still worth watching.
He was identified as the man without a name in the film - interesting.