A terrified young man is being pursued by a mysterious man in black. He hides out in a nearby mental hospital, but can he escape his fate?
A terrified young man is being pursued by a mysterious man in black. He hides out in a nearby mental hospital, but can he escape his fate?
This bonus film in the All the Haunts Be Ours folk horror box set is actually much better than the feature film it supports, Leptirica. In it, a man runs across a desolate landscape from a Man in Black with a bowler hat and a cape. Ironically, he seeks asylum in a huge mental hospital, where the doctor tries to determine what he is so afraid of. Meanwhile, the Man in Black keeps attempting to reach him on the inside. The film has some stark and stunning photography that sets an intense tone and atmosphere, eerie and unsettling. The music, too, is pitch perfect and keeps you in anticipation throughout. It's not terribly difficult in 2021 to determine who the…
Strange, dreamlike and in the black and white movie “Ward” from 1973, directed by Đorđe Kadijević is an Eastern European motion picture, a presentation of the Yugoslav Black Wave.
Can you imagine seeking shelter in an insane asylum? Even before the New York Times revealed they were keeping patients against their will to drain their insurance payouts, they were still places where you could be kept and fed drugs and deemed "unhealthy" by dubious quacks. No thanks, I'll take my chances with the man in black.
The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed. -Stephen King
Haunting and depressing
Gonna give up on trying every unknown movie I find for the hope of discovering gems, for a while. This movie tried too hard to create an atmospheric nightmare, but turned out as a nonsense, boring one.
Yugoslavian Carnival of Souls? It’s very sparse, but it does have visual flair and echoey sound (it sounds just like a cheap Turkish movie) that contributes to an otherworldly feeling that hangs over the entire movie. Good thing this has mood in spades since the story is rather straight forward, and not exactly unpredictable. Still it’s a very interesting watch at least.
More Yugoslavian horror from Severin. This one’s a short-ish film that clocks in under an hour but crawls to reach that runtime. It ends up being kind of a bore when the conclusion is so obvious, but there’s some nice atmosphere and cinematography to be had.
Added to:
• 1973 Horror — D Edward Ranks (26 / 27)
• Severin — D Edward Ranks (55 / 74)
A windy soundtrack, stark black & white photography, lots of fog, and a mystery of a man in black following another man, who seeks refuge in an asylum. It’s all atmosphere, but does a serviceable job of it.
Sidenote: We have got to come up with a standardized term for 40-60 minute movies. Also, I just realized that "short movie" and "short film" mean entirely different things. Language is wild.
Eerie Serbian made-for-TV horror Ward feels a little like a Twilight Zone episode, with its compelling premise and stark B&W photography. The simple story doesn't quite justify the 45 minute running time, but there's tons of atmospheric, foggy imagery and creeping dread.
Kadija ladno snimao srpske A24 filmove pre 50 godina
This 45 minute short added as a bonus feature on disc 3 of "All the haunts Be Ours" box set, was better than the main attraction ("Leptirica") but still felt 20 minutes too long. It's tonally more consistent, eerie and atmospheric with philosophical themes riddled throughout.
A panicked man is running away from a man dressed in a black cape and a bowler hat with unknown intentions. The fleeing man seeks refuge in an asylum. The doctors discover the man has some serious mental illnesses. The man in black looks on from outside, waiting to get the man, by force if necessary.
The opening and ending were great with the middle part dragging a little. It's nicely shot in black and white in an atmospheric villa with spooky interiors, the ambient echoing music adding a haunting feel.
Not too bad!
"Trust me." - The Bowler Hat Guy,
This 45 minute movie was far better than I expected it to be... in fact it kind of tapped into fears I didn't know I had.